LIMITED OFFER: -30% on the pure cast iron grill

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Mushroom dumplings

reteta frigănele cu ciuperci Oti Home

We recommend that you try the recipe below using the Oti Home Pure Classic Cast Iron Pan :

- 500 g Champignon Mushrooms
- Butter and oil for frying
- A few tablespoons of oil for frying
- 1 small onion
- Thyme
- 50 ml Cognac
- 200 ml cooking cream
- 2-3 slices of rye / black bread
- 150 ml of milk
- 1 egg

Method of preparation:
For the mushroom composition, heat the pan with butter and a little oil (so as not to burn the butter). Add the sliced ​​mushrooms, finely chopped onion, thyme and saute until the water left by the mushrooms evaporates. Sprinkle with cognac and let the alcohol evaporate for 2-3 minutes. Then add the cream and let it simmer until it thickens. Transfer to another bowl and set aside.

For the skewers, clean the pan and reheat with oil. Beat the egg in a bowl and mix with the milk.

Roll the slices of bread in the obtained mixture and fry on both sides, until they become golden.

Finally, drain the oil from the pan, wipe the pan and brush with butter. Put the skewers back in the pan and put a spoonful of mushrooms on each one. Put them in the oven for a complete browning.

Good appetite!

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